Operational Tool Kit

The purpose of the Operational Tool Kit is to provide forms that ensures consistency, standards of practice, and reliability of decision making. 

*For outside purposes, these documents should only be considered as “examples” to be customized for unique, local approaches to diversion services.

Initial Screening Form

This form is used to screen for chemical and/or mental health concerns. It is completed by the screener, and can be used anywhere (i.e. community, pre-booking, or jail).

Street Level and Collaborative Outreach Referral Workflow – Detailed

This documents illustrates a more detailed workflow of the process for Law Enforcement referral to the Yellow Line Project from a street level perspective when an officer suspects a referral for help with mental illness and/or chemical dependency is needed.

Screening Case Note

This document is completed after a screening to provide information to the Community Based Coordinators for determining participation eligibility.

My Yellow Line Plan

The My Yellow Line Plan serves as a core document to capture specific and measurable action points for the participants. The Community Based Coordinator and participant work together to complete this form.

Email and Text Consent Form

This document allows an individual to consent to be contacted or receive information through email or text communications.

Privacy Rights Notice

This form is an explanation of privacy rights. Information will only be shared if allowed.

Client Bill of Rights

The Client Bill of Rights explains the individual’s right to fair treatment and autonomy over medical decisions and other rights.

YLP Pathways

This document illustrates the various ways pathways individuals can be referred for participation in the Yellow Line Project.

Alternative Detox Workflow

This document illustrates an alternative pathway for individuals admitted to a detoxification center for participation in the Yellow Line Project.

Detox Pathway Workflow

This document iilustrates the basic workflow between individuals admitted to a detoxification center and participation in the Yellow Line Project.

Safety Plan

A Safety Plan is completed with all participants of the Yellow Line Project. This individualized plan is used to facilitate a conversation regarding personal safety, and is provided to the individual at the time it is completed.

Short Term Jail Stay

This illustration documents a workflow of how individuals booked into jail for one to three days can participate in the Yellow Line Project after release.

Release if Information - General

The Release of Information form is used to enable private data to be shared between the Yellow Line Project and other authorized entities who are involved with the individual. This version is used for general purposes.

Results and Referral Form

The Results and Referral Form is completed to summarize the Screening Form for law enforcement and the potential participant. It also serves as the official referral document from law enforcement.

Archived (no longer used)

YLP Offense List

Not all individuals are eligible for the Yellow Line Project. Attached are our current offense categories.

YLP Participation Agreement / Treatment Plan

The individual, law enforcement officer, and screener must all sign the agreement to start the diversion plan. This is what we refer to as "the three yes's

Completion Notification to Law Enforcement

When an individual completes their My Yellow Line Plan, a success letter is sent to the officer involved in the original incident.

Non-Completion Notification to Law Enforcement

In the event that an individual does not meet expectations and/or complete their My Yellow Line Plan, a letter is sent to the officer recommending the individual to be criminally charged.

Referral Eligibility Verification

This document is completed by the Community Based Coordinator after review of an individual’s screening, case note and potential legal charges and determines if a referral is eligible for participation in the Yellow Line Project.

Release of Liability – Alcohol/Drug

This form is used to release liability/responsibility to a third party. The receiving person is agreeing to personally accept responsibility for the person who was previously detained.

Detox Referral Workflow

This document illustrates the basic workflow of integration between individuals admitted to a detoxification center and participation in the Yellow Line Project.

Determination of Engagement

This document is used as a tool to assist the Community Based Coordinators in determining if an individual may be a candidate for diversion specifically through the Short Term Jail Stay (1-3 day) pathway.

Short-Term Jail Stay Workflow

This is an illustration of the Yellow Line Project workflow regarding participants that enter through the Short-Term Jail Stay (1-3 day) workflow.

Street Level and Collaborative Outreach Referral Workflow – Detailed

This documents illustrates a more detailed workflow of the process for Law Enforcement referral to the Yellow Line Project from a street level perspective when an officer suspects a referral for help with mental illness and/or chemical dependency is needed.

Short-Term Jail Stay Notification to County Attorney’s Office Form

This document is completed using information in the screening and review process to indicate to the County Attorney’s Office if an individual is recommended for participation in the Yellow Line Project specifically through the Short Term Jail Stay (1-3 day) pathway. This is the only information provided to the County Attorney’s Office from the Community Based Coordinators for their consideration of participation in the Yellow Line Project.

Initial Screening Form

This form is used to screen for chemical and/or mental health concerns. It is completed by the screener, and can be used anywhere (i.e. community, pre-booking, or jail).

Results and Referral Form

The Results and Referral Form is completed to summarize the Screening Form for law enforcement and the potential participant. It also serves as the official referral document from law enforcement.

Release of Information - Law Enforcement

The Release of Information form is used to enable private data to be shared between the Yellow Line Project and other authorized entities who are involved with the individual. This version is specific to law enforcement agencies. Note: This form is to be printed on 4-layer carbon-copy paper to protect privacy while only requiring one signature from the individual.

Release of Information - Legal

The Release of Information form is used to enable private data to be shared between the Yellow Line Project and other authorized entities who are involved with the individual. This version is specific to court involved agencies. Note: This form is to be printed on 4-layer carbon-copy paper to protect privacy while only requiring one signature from the individual.

Release of Information - Medical

The Release of Information form is used to enable private data to be shared between the Yellow Line Project and other authorized entities who are involved with the individual. This version is specific to medical providers. Note: This form is to be printed on 4-layer carbon-copy paper to protect privacy while only requiring one signature from the individual.